What do I need for witnessing the legal documents?

You may wonder when you need to notarize your legal document that require witnessing. Witnessing during notarization ensures the integrity and legality of a document. The notary verifies the signer’s identity, confirms their willingness and awareness, and authenticates the signature, preventing fraud and coercion. This process also ensures legal compliance, making the document credible and enforceable. In NYS, Most of person person executing document doesn’t require witnessing. However, When you through the law firm to handling your legal document. It requires for you and the witnesses must not have personal or financial interest in the transaction or the parties involved for the case. Also, the witnesses must appear to notary with you for the notarization. Therefore, Many of traditional notaries are providing that service on behalf of you. They can hire anyone for the witnessing who is not relate to you and the case. we encourage you to check the requirement for the witnessing to your lawyer when you have the legal paper to get a notarization as the law is not allow to give a signer for any legal advice regarding the legal proceed. we can guide you to fill out the form and the signing on the paper and inquire to your lawyer if the document has error. Notary can refuse to notarize the document if those several issues engage to your documents. 

Notary is not the lawyer and the form can be vary by lawyer or law firm. Therefore, I kindly request to check if your documents have not enough informations.

If you are the notary and the lawyer ask you to continue the notarization even though you called them to confirm and the document has different uniform and seems to need a witnessing?

you can refuse or fill out the form without any blank on the paper to not be fabricate by any other person. 

If you leave any blanks, someone else can fill in their name to fabricate the documents

and the illegal activity will charge a class D felony for Fraud, theft, robbery, burglary, and manslaughter in special cases within the New york state.

For the notary, IF you can not say no, I would like to recommend you to use this way to prevent that fraudulent activities. 

Witnessing with notarizeon is $20 per witness and it will goes to the witnesses for using their information to witness your documents. 

As a notary, This is hard things which having the form that I’ve ever seen in my life. The regulation doesn’t give us any examples for training the notary. So I will kindly ask you to give me a time for checking and reviewing your documents. 

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